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Summary: A tire manufacturer in NE Indiana faced issues with plates not meeting specifications. Toolcraft, LLC stepped in, reverse-engineering the plates and collaborating with another company to handle the plate’s large diameter. With our specialized equipment, Toolcraft placed each hole with precision, delivering plates that met the manufacturer’s requirements.

Industry: Automotive
Process: Design, Development, Milling
Category: Contract Manufacturing

In NE Indiana, a notable tire manufacturer encountered an issue: the large diameter steel plates they received from their supplier weren’t up to spec. Measuring at 45” in diameter and 3 ¾” thick, these plates required utmost precision, especially given their many specific hole placements.

Familiar with intricate tooling tasks, Toolcraft quickly identified a solution. We began by reverse-engineering the required plates, producing accurate blueprints to ensure precision. While the large diameter of the plates exceeded Toolcraft’s machining capacity, we didn’t let this hurdle stop us. By collaborating with another company, the plates were turned to the exact size required. To finalize the process, Toolcraft utilized our Devlieg Jig Mill, ensuring each hole was accurately positioned.

Thanks to Toolcraft’s methodical approach and ability to leverage collaborative resources, the tire manufacturer now consistently receives plates that align with their exact specifications.